Hello wonderful readers! I have been agented for exactly one year!! And it has been an amazing experience and an absolute whirlwind. In the past year, Emily has sold multiple books for me (only one announced so far) and we have plans for more to come.
If I have learned one thing in the past year, it's that the submission process is not super open. I get tons of questions about how long I was on submission before selling, if my first book to go on sub sold (spoiler alert: it didn't), how long it took for editors to respond, if my R&R resulted in an offer, how many books on sub never sold, etc.

So in an effort to make this process more transparent, I'm hosting a completely anonymous survey for any authors who have been on submission so that we can get a good idea of the submission process. For any authors who have been on sub, please consider filling out this form. If you have not yet been on sub, please retweet and help me gather this data. I'll keep the form open for 2 weeks and will share the data in a few different posts after I analyze what I learn.
Form here:
Thank you to everyone for your help! I am so excited to learn and share more about this process.
About Kailei Pew

Kailei Pew is a wife, mother, and children's book author represented by the amazing Emily Forney of Bookends Literary. Kailei's debut Middle Grade Book, KID MADE will be coming to you from Feiwel and Friends/Macmillan Summer 2023